SA8000 is the first international standard for ethics. SA 8000 stands for Social Accountability and it ‘s the most globally accepted independent workplace standard. OPES Solutions has adopted the standard to properly address the social impacts of its operations and the conditions under which its employees, partners and suppliers operate. After a series of strict and thorough assessments and evaluations, we successfully passed the audit.
SA 8000 certification addresses issues including occupational health and safety, forced and child labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, compensation, and management systems.
Pioneering for sustainable energy
With the introduction of SA 8000, OPES Solutions further strengthen their commitment to social responsibility and ethical treatment of all employees and the entire supply chain. “Since we started, we focus on sustainability. Off-grid solar is designed to improve people’s lives without unnecessarily harming the environment or the people involved in its production. The standard supports our vision and by incorporating SA 8000 into our ESG system, we continue to strive for sustainability leadership in the off-grid solar industry” says Robert Händel, CEO and Founder.
ESG refers to environmental, social and corporate governance as a management and monitoring system. It is embedded in the corporate strategy and addresses the needs and opportunities to create value for all stakeholders of the company (such as employees, customers, suppliers and financiers).
As a leading global manufacturer of application-oriented solar modules, OPES Solutions is committed to the adoption of photovoltaics as a green, highly efficient, and integrated energy source. In addidtion to labor protection and ethical management OPES Solutions implemented ISO14001, ISO45001 and ISO9001 standards and already has a complete EHS (Environment, Occupational Health and Safety) management system.