PET and Aluminium


A more flexible module that is long-lasting. In some cases there is no need for a frame.


This layer structure is used for the marine market and also for parking meters.


  • Salt-water proof
  • Non-slippery
  • Fully accessible
  • Flexible (up to 5 Degrees)
  • ETFE is longer lasting than PET, and we can give a 10 years product warranty despite having a non-glass module.
  • Long-lasting


This technology might be right for you if you are looking for something light and robust, with a vandalism-proof surface (no-glass) and 10 years + durability, and if your application is higher end and can carry a slightly higher cost.


  • It can be produced in required shapes and sizes.
  • Our smallest modules in this layered structure are 5 Watts, and they can go up to 150 Watts.